
Translating Commission

Sunday, February 19, 2012

MPreg Heredity

Note: This post include fictional characters of a well-known series, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! It contains fan theory, thus it must not be taken too seriously.

So, I was reading my friend Tori's old journal entries and found a link where her Gokudera discusses about how the genotypes of the attribute of flames get inherited, specifically about how my D18's children (Kei and Kaede) inherited their parents' flame. This is what he comes up with:

............Xs............ Y
Xc ...... ..XcXs..........XcY
Xc .........XcXs..........XcY

The original is here.

The father (Dino) is Xs Y, while the mother (Kyouya) is Xc Xc. Hence, using the punnett square, it should be something like that. The ratio supposed to be:

XcXs: female Sky (Kei)
XcY: male Cloud (Kaede)

However, this theory is slightly wrong, because Kyouya is NOT a female, although he is the one who gave birth to both children. His chromosome genotypes are supposed to be symbolized with Xc Y. And, believe it or don't, even if we are using this genotype, we can still get the desired result.

This is what I came up with:

............Xs............ Y
Xc ........XcXs..........XcY
Y  .........XsY.......... YY

With this, we can still get a female Sky (Xc Xs) and a male Cloud (Xc Y). In addition, it is possible for Dino and Kyouya to get a son with the flame of Sky (Xs Y), thus Kazumichi (one of Yami Dragoness of Dark's OC and also D18's son) existence is legal.

We shall ignore the YY one because I'm not sure whether to label that as a lethal (meaning a child born with that chromosome is impossible / die in the mother's womb) or a flameless.

The conclusion? Xs allele is dominant while Xc is recessive.

Now, doesn't it makes you thinking which ones is the most dominant or the most recessive among the seven flames of Sky?

Let's pick another example, this time to see which one is more dominant between Mist and Cloud. I shall borrow Luise Meyrink's OCs, Rokudou Ren and Renna. The father is Mukuro (Xm Y) and the mother is Kyouya (Xc Y). Using the same method, we will get something like this:

............Xm............ Y
Xc .........XcXm..........XcY
Y ..........XmY........... YY

From that, we get XcXm (female Cloud = Renna), XmY (male Mist = Renna), XcY (male Cloud), and YY (lethal / flameless). In conclusion, Xc is more dominant than Xm.

So far, I am only able to find out the most dominant is s (the allele of Sky flames) after trying Sawada Nana (Yami Dragoness of Dark's OC, a child of R27) and the most recessive is m (the allele of Mist flames) after trying Hibari Kyouko (runesque's OC, a child of 1896). There's a possibility that Storm flame is more dominant than Rain too.

But I could be wrong.

This is the end of my simple, quick research. Corrections and criticisms are appreciated.


If you want to join the discussion, feel free to join the discussion in Facebook. I'll give you the link if you do.

Monday, February 13, 2012

In A World of Money

The world is a place ruled by money. If you have all the money in the world, you have all that belongs in the world. Houses, technology, golds and jewels. You name it, you got it. Money runs the world. Even people. You can pay for maids, butlers, gardeners, and though people always deny it, emotions. Maybe you can't, so to speak, buy happiness, but you can buy things to make you happy. Maybe you can't, so to speak, buy love, but you can buy people to love you and people for you to love. It doesn't matter what people say, because there is virtually nothing in the world that cannot be bought.

Paragraf pembuka dari fanfiksi berjudul In a World of Money karya Henzie-sama.

Nggak, saya ga akan ngereview fic selfcest satu itu.

Hanya saja... paragraf itu merupakan penjelasan yang pas untuk menggambarkan dunia ini. Well, setidaknya dunia menurut sudut pandang saya.

Tumben, ya, saya ngebahas yang kayak ginian? Kalian bertanya ada angin apa? Yah... katakanlah sesuatu terjadi tadi dan saya jadi dongkol dan saya dapat ide untuk menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulisan. Di sini. Di blog yang seharusnya isinya non-RL. Tapi tetep saya masukkin ke sini karena semoga aja ada ahli hukum yang lihat terus tersadar buat ngeberantas ketidakadilan ini *cailah*

Ahem, jadi, kita mulai dari penyebab saya nulis beginian.

Jadi, di sekolah tadi saya baru menyadari bahwa uang itu berpengaruh banget. You can get whatever you want with money. Whatever di sini dalam bentuk material dan duniawi, ya. Yang akhirat udah pasti ga mungkin. Dan kesadaran ini muncul karena seorang teman curhat pada saya soal nilai temannya yang lebih tinggi padahal it is clearly shown that person is more stupid than that friend of mine.

Saya juga udah ngerasa dari dulu, 'sih. Kok bisa-bisanya itu orang jelas-jelas bego luar dalem naik kelas sampai kelas 3. Dan saya tau jawabannya: karena uang. Kalaupun bukan karena uang, pasti karena kekuasaan bapaknya yang memang orang berpengaruh di sini.

Wajar dong kalau saya berpikiran begitu kalau bukti-buktinya jelas ada. Cukup amati orang itu selama beberapa jam, dan kau bisa langsung tahu bahwa orang itu orang rusak. Ga jarang saya mencium bau rokok kalau orang itu lewat. Ga jarang dia bolos kelas. Dia ga takut terlambat setiap hari. Nothing fears him, because he knows that everyone else fears his father's authority. Yaiyalah, wong kalau kita macam-macam bisa-bisa bokapnya nyuruh orang buat ngebantai kita.

... ini makin lama arahnya makin curhat.


Intinya begitu. Uang berkuasa banget. Yang kaya bebas berbuat sesuka hati, yang miskin cuma bisa makan hati.

Mau gimana lagi? Moral bangsa juga udah rusak. Koruptor bebas berkeliaran pastinya karena mereka nyuap pihak penegak keadilan. Atau pihak penegak keadilannya yang emang ga konsisten. Atau koruptornya lahir karena pendidiknya ga bener.

Indonesia jatuh. Jatuh sedalam-dalamnya.

... dan gw makin galau. *berhenti pake bahasa formal*

Pindahkan gw ke negara lain, please. Gw udah muak.