
Translating Commission

Friday, April 23, 2010

And here goes the Gesso famiglia's Guardians!

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Hoho!!! Akhirnya jadi juga gambar ketujuh Guardian Gesso famiglia!!! Mereka bakal muncul di Frawr Familian...dan karena ceritanya canon tapi kuutak-atik dengan seenak udel, jadilah keluarga ancur ini...dysfunctional, you may say~

Let's start the introduction!

From left to right: Spanner, Reine, Rasiel, Byakuran, Kallia, Fran, Achille

Start from the topmost color of the rainbow! Here goes~

Head of Storm Squad, Captain of Frontal Attack Division
Status: Gesso Storm Guardian, Reine's husband
Weapon: Fencer
Box Weapon: Pipistrelli di Tempesta
Info: Rumored to be death in Bel's hand, Rasiel's actually alive and had been living secretly along with Reine, in a hidden villa Reine owned. They had been living together with Olgert, though later Byakuran found them and invited them to join the family, guarantying their welfare and promised Rasiel that he can meet Bel later.

Leader of Gesso famiglia
Status: Gesso Sky Guardian, Mukuro's husband, Fran's foster father
Weapon: Fist
Box Weapon: Dragonne di Cielo
Info: According to Fran, he wasn't a part of mafia world until he was fifteen. He was taken in by the previous leader of Gesso famiglia and had been working for the old man loyally. His talents caught the old man's attention and made him favored Byakuran. He even goes as far to make him his next sucessor, because the old man had no family or relatives. When Byakuran claimed the position after the leader died from old age, he shuffled all divisions and re-ranked the whole members of Gesso, raising Kallia to be his second-in-command. He also asked Kallia to investigate Mukuro, because he was interested in him for no apparent reason.

Head Physician and Chef
Status: Gesso Sun Guardian, Rasiel's wife
Weapon: Needles
Box Weapon: Lince del Sereno
Info: Former princess of a small kingdom, she was Bel and Rasiel's childhood friend. When Bel almost killed Rasiel, Olgert took him to her, who had developed the power of healing wounds with her Sun Flame. They then began to live in secret in one of Reine's villa, when Rasiel murdered Reine's parents (who had been using her as a tool of some sort). When Byakuran came to visit them, she agreed to follow him, though she hoped she could ask Bel and Rasiel to forgive each other and live as a family together.

Vice Captain of Thunder Squad, Head of Mosca Developer Division
Status: Gesso's main mechanic
Weapon: Wrench, Mosca's controller
Box Weapon: Elettro Zanzara
Info: An technophilia guy that have talents in making robots. He used to compete with Irie Shouichi in making robots, and still compete with him until now. He was brought to Gesso family since the previous leader's leadership and had been making Moscas for the family. When Byakuran rose to the leader position, he was announced to be the Thunder Guardian.

Captain of Rain Squad, Head of Drug and Equipments Trading
Status: Gesso Rain Guardian
Weapon: Gunblade/Mechanical Blade
Box Weapon: Falena di Pioggio
Info: Byakuran's right hand man. A cool, no nonsense, and strict person. He had befriend Byakuran since long ago. He had an incredible spying ability, proven that he was able to get a thorough data about Mukuro. He's also in charge of waking up Achille whenever he fell asleep in battle. He had feminine face, which bothers him to no end.

Cadet, Vice-Captain of Mist Squad
Status: Gesso Mist Guardian, Mukuro and Byakuran's foster child
Weapon: Marionette
Box Weapon: Bel
Info: Mukuro's disciple in the future. They met again in the past during Tsunayoshi's birthday party. Thanks to the Memory, they didn't have to officially ask each other about one another. Mukuro acknowledge Fran as his student and Fran wanted to learn from Mukuro. Later, Byakuran took him as his foster child, much to his delight. He's in good terms with Rasiel, and later took role in fixing Rasiel's relationship with Bel.

Captain of Cloud Squad, Head of Investigation Division
Status: Gesso Cloud Guardian
Weapon: Firearms
Box Weapon: Lupo di Nuvola
Info: Love to sleep.He rose to the position of Cloud Guardian because of his power and spy ability that's not too far from Kallia's. He always sleep when he saw bright light, thus he always wear goggles and headgears to protect his eyes. He's always paired with Kallia, because he's the only one who can wake him up whenever he fell asleep in battle. He rarely stay in the base, due to his job as a spy.

Nah...udah pada tau dikit 'kan tentang para Guardian Gesso baru yang aneh tapi keren ini? Kalo gitu, nantiin kehadiran mereka di Frawr Familian! XD -digeplak-

Pssst, ada yang nyadar ga kalo gambar Spanner beda sendiri? Itu karena ane lupa nebelin pake spidol lho...hahaha xD

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I care about you!

=Indonesian version=

Teman adalah hadiah dari Yang Di Atas buat kita.

Seperti hadiah, ada yang bungkusnya bagus dan ada yang bungkusnya jelek.

Yang bungkusnya bagus punya wajah rupawan, atau kepribadian yang menarik.
Yang bungkusnya jelek punya wajah biasa saja, atau
kepribadian yang biasa saja, atau malah menjengkelkan.

Seperti hadiah, ada yang isinya bagus dan ada yang isinya jelek.

Yang isinya bagus punya jiwa yang begitu indah
sehingga kita terpukau ketika berbagi rasa dengannya, ketika
kita tahan menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam saling
bercerita dan menghibur, menangis bersama, dan tertawa
bersama.. Kita mencintai dia dan dia mencintai kita.

Yang isinya buruk punya jiwa yang terluka.
Begitu dalam luka-lukanya sehingga jiwanya tidak
mampu lagi mencintai, justru karena ia tidak merasakan
cinta dalam hidupnya.

Sayangnya yang kita tangkap darinya seringkali justru sikap
penolakan, dendam, kebencian, iri hati, kesombongan, amarah, dll.
Kita tidak suka dengan jiwa-jiwa semacam ini dan mencoba
menghindar dari mereka.

Kita tidak tahu bahwa itu semua BUKANlah karena
mereka pada dasarnya buruk, tetapi ketidakmampuan jiwanya
memberikan cinta karena justru ia membutuhkan cinta
kita, membutuhkan empati kita, kesabaran dan keberanian
kita untuk mendengarkan luka-luka terdalam yang
memasung jiwanya.

Bagaimana bisa kita mengharapkan seseorang yang
terluka lututnya berlari bersama kita? Bagaimana bisa kita
mengajak seseorang yang takut air berenang bersama?
Luka di lututnya dan ketakutan terhadap airlah yang
mesti disembuhkan, bukan mencaci mereka karena
mereka tidak mau berlari atau berenang bersama kita. Mereka
tidak akan bilang bahwa "lutut" mereka luka atau
mereka takut air", mereka akan bilang bahwa mereka tidak
suka berlari atau mereka akan bilang berenang itu
membosankan dll.

It's a defense mechanism. Itulah cara mereka mempertahankan diri.

Mereka tidak akan bilang: Mereka akan bilang:
Aku tidak bisa menari" "Menari itu tidak menarik."
Aku membutuhkan kamu" "Tidak ada yang cocok denganku."
Aku kesepian" "Teman-temanku sudah lulus semua"
Aku butuh diterima" "Aku ini buruk, siapa yang bakal tahan denganku.."
Aku ingin didengarkan" "Kisah hidupku membosankan.."

Mereka semua hadiah buat kita, entah bungkusnya
bagus atau jelek, entah isinya bagus atau jelek.
Dan jangan tertipu oleh kemasan.
Hanya ketika kita bertemu jiwa-dengan-jiwa,
kita tahu hadiah sesungguhnya yang sudah disiapkanNya buat kita.

Berikanlah makna di dlm kehidupan Anda bukan hanya
untuk diri Anda sendiri saja melainkan juga untuk
membahagiakan sesama manusia di dlm lingkungan kehidupan Anda.
Berikanlah waktu Anda dgn digabung oleh rasa kasih!

Seorang sahabat sama seperti satu permata yg tak ternilai harganya.
Seorang kawan bisa membuat kita ceria, membuat kita terhibur.
Mereka meminjamkan kupingnya kepada kita pada saat kita membutuhkannya.
Mereka bersedia membuka hati maupun perasaannya untuk
berbagi suka dan duka dgn kita pada saat kita membutuhkannya.

Maka dari itu janganlah buang waktu yg Anda miliki,
janganlah sia2 akan waktu yg sedemikian berharganya.
Bagikanlah sebagian dari waktu yg Anda miliki untuk seorang kawan.
Pasti waktu yg Anda berikan tsb akan berbalik kembali seperti juga
satu lingkaran walaupun terkadang kita tidak tahu dari mana
dan dari siapa datangnya.

Mulailah kita awali dgn membagikan waktu kita
sejenak dgn menforward artikel ini kepada semua kawan atau
sahabat yg membutuhkannya.
Dgn ucapan I care about you!

Kebahagiaan anda tumbuh berkembang manakala anda membantu orang lain. Namun, bilamana anda tidak mencoba membantu sesama, kebahagiaan akan layu dan mengering. Kebahagiaan bagaikan sebuah tanaman, harus disirami setiap hari dengan sikap dan tindakan memberi. (J.Donald Walters)

=English version=

Friends are gifts from God to us.

Like gifts, there are ones with bad wrapper and ones with nice wrapper.

The ones with nice wrapper had attractive face or good personality.
The ones with bad wrapper had average face and normal personality, or maybe annoying.

Like gifts, there are ones that contain something nice and ones that contain something bad.

The ones that contain something nice had a very beautiful soul that made us stunned when we shared our feelings, when we endure hours to exchange stories and comfort each other, crying together, and laugh together... We love them and they love us too.

The ones that contain something bad have a wounded soul. The wound is so deep it made the soul unable to love, because they can’t feel love in their life.

Unfortunately, we often received rejections, resentments, hatreds, envies, vanities, angers, etc.
We don’t like these kinds of souls and trying to avoid them.

We don’t know that all those happened NOT because they’re bad from the very core, but the disability to give love because they’re the ones that need our love, need our empathy, our patience and bravery to listen to their deep scars that injured their soul.

How can we expect someone whose legs injured to run along with us? How can we expect someone hydrophobic to swim together with us?
Their legs injury and hydrophobia are what we have to cure, not despise them because they don’t want to run or swim with us. They won’t tell you that their legs injured or they’re hydrophobic, but they’ll say that they don’t like running or they think that swimming is boring etc.

It's a defense mechanism. That’s how they protect themselves.

They won’t say: They’ll say:
“I can’t dance” "Dancing is boring."
“I need you” "None’s good enough to talk to me."
“I’m lonely” "My friends had graduated."
“I need to be accepted” "I’m bad, who can stand hanging out with me?"
“I’m not listened” "My life story is boring...”

They’re all gifts for us, whether the wrappers are good or bad, whether they contain something nice or ugly.
And don’t let the wrappers trick you.
When we talk soul-to-soul,
we know the real gift that God had prepared for us.

Give meanings to your life not only for yourself but also to make people around you happy.
Take your time and complement them with passion!

A best friend is equal to a priceless jewel.
A friend can cheer us up, comforting us.
They lend their ears to us when we need them.
They’ll open their heart or feelings to share happiness and sadness with us when we need them.

That’s why, don’t throw away the time that you possess,
don’t waste the precious time.
Share a part of your life for your friend.
Make sure that the time you share will return to you like a circle although we don’t know from who, where, and when it came from.

Let’s begin with sharing our time for a moment and forward this article to all friends or best friends that need it. With the words: ‘I care about you!’

Your happiness grows when you help others. However, should you not trying to help each other, happiness will rot and dry. Happiness is like a plant that has to be watered everyday with giving attitude and behavior. (J.Donald Walters)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27 I luv G27

*digampar pembaca*

Huahaha!!! Maaf ya ngespam gaje gitu di atas XD

Masalahnya...kemarin saya baru publish fic G27...judulnya Dreams to Reality (ugh, so lame and so obvious...!) di mana di situ Giotto baru aja mimpi nge-seme seseorang...yeah our Primo had a wet dream lol

Oh wait, bukan Primo. Simply Giotto, karena Giotto di sini adalah seorang Ketos Namimori High yang terkenal tampan, cerdas dan gentle (gentle tapi kok mimpi ngeseme orang...haha XD)


Abis mimpi kayak gitu...paginya Giotto kan ke sekolah nih, karena ada Entrance Ceremony untuk membuka semester baru. Nah...saat itulah dia ketemu dengan Tsunayoshi, yaitu orang yang dia seme-i di dalam mimpinya. Parahnya, gara-gara dia ngeliat Tsunayoshi, dia jadi inget mimpinya trus...well, dia jadi terangsang lagi XDDDD

G. dan Asari, kedua sohibnya yang lagi berdiri di sebelahnya, spontan ngakak trus ngusulin buat Giotto sekedar nyapa orang yang bisa ngebuat si Ketos terangsang pagi-pagi gitu. Akhirnya disamperin lah Tsunayoshi yang lagi ngobrol-ngobrol ama Takeshi dan Hayato, tapi...bukannya nyapa, Giotto malah ngeCIUM Tsunayoshi.

Oh my dog--eh salah, oh my cat, Giotto is so bold that day!

Nah terus terus...setelah gw puas, 'kan gw publish tuh hari...ngg...Sabtu, kalo ga salah. Dan you know what? Gw langsung dapet 4 review di hari pertama dan bejibun fave!


Mana rata-rata mereka minta gw buat ngelanjutin lagi XD Dasar kalian para author FFN mesum... *dilempar bata*

Karena saya baik...maka saya lagi berjuang buat bikin sekuelnya! Dan mungkin saya bakal masukin 1827 atau GiottoAlaude (two of pairings that I hate with passion...just like BakuraRyou) entahlah, saya belum mikirin ceritanya bakal ending kayak apa.

All in all, wish me luck, minna! :D

Doa'in biar sukses yaaaaa

Friday, April 09, 2010

Another award?

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Dapet award lagi neh...wkwkwkwk makasih Shina yah... (siapa bilang blogmu butut? Gaul getho kok wkwkwkwk).

Here is the award!

Mm...peraturan, peraturan~

1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.

Onto the links~ (tidak berurutan sesuai waktu 'discovery' :p)

1. Minmy-sensei
2. Tazzu
3. Yappe
4. Asai-san
5. Salary-san
6. Mimo
7. Fenny-san
8. Raiko
9. Aniki Sora
10. Rossy-san
11. Anggi-san -blog ver-
12. Aqua-sama
13. Shion Tan
14. tencircle
15. Nenek Sachi


1. I'm an manga/anime otaku
2. I'm a fujoshi
3. Although I love yaoi TO THE EXTREME, i hate real life yaoi TO THE EXTREME
4. I love cats
5. I'm a high school student ;)
6. I'm a female
7. Eyeh esher eyeh (I am Me, or something like that ;D)

There! Grab the award, like, NOW!

Yamapi~ XD

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Kuhahaha~ ga nyangka gw bisa aktor Jepang lain selain Matsuyama Ken'ichi...all thanks to my brother that downloaded Kurosagi, dorama Jepang yang mengisahkan tentang penipu...kalau mau cerita jelasnya, nih ada artikel dari sesama blogger juga...semoga bisa tertarik! :D

Sementara itu...ijinkan saya mencuci mata dengan foto-foto Yamashita Tomohisa, si aktor ganteng yang berperan sebagai Kurosaki a.k.a. Kurosagi (Black Swindler) XD

Awalnya gw ga tau nama dia siapa (makanya di post sebelumnya manggil di Kurosaki) eh trus pas episode 8 atu berapa gitu dia promosiin albumnya XD

Gedhe banget posternya! O_o Kalo mo liat yang full-size sekaligus preview dan info-nya, bisa cek di sini

Gw paling suka kalo tampangnya udah kayak gini! Cool gimanaaaaa gitu >///<

Untuk kedua kalinya gw liat dia hampir topless *nosebleed* yang pertama tentu aja pas opening Kurosagi di ep. 1 dan 2 :D

Heuheuheu~ ganteng 'kan? Gw pengen nonton ep. 11 tapi bingung mo nyari di mana!!! XO tampaknya harus menginterogasi niichan dulu nanti...khukhukhu~