
Translating Commission

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Advertising: 10069 Anthology, Epilogue Mare recruitment

Original link: mashinappo: Anthology Recruitment


~~ Be a part of a 10069 Doujinshi Anthology ~~


A 10069 doujinshi anthology
inspired by the 3 page epilogue published in vol.30 of Reborn!
It will be a collaboration of fanfic, art, and manga.
The final work will be distributed online.
Yes! Recruitment is now open to all writers and artists.
If there are enough interest, you can opt
to work with a fic writer/ artist to produce a
fanfic with illustrations work! =)

Comment on this journal / email
mashinappo(at) to join <3

IS IT 10069 ONLY?
Yes. Mentions of other pairings are accepted, but 10069 must be present.

★ You can interpret the Epilogue in ANY WAY YOU LIKE.
★ Your work can follow the Epilogue as closely or loosely as you like.
★ Your work MUST be 10069 based
★ All ratings accepted

All genre and rating acceptable
One-shot/ Multi-chapters both accepted but must be a FINISHED WORK.
Comment if you'll be interested in working with an artist to have accompanied
illustrations for your fic!
PLEASE NOTE: Artist allocation will be random, unless you are already friends with an
artist who is happy to team up with you.

Inked Line work / Full colour work / 4-koma (comic strip) / one-shot Manga work
accepted. Sketches are accepted ONLY if it is clean.
Comment if you'll be interested in being an illustrator for a writer.
PLEASE NOTE: Writer allocation will be random, unless you are already friends with a writer
who is happy to team up with you.

Digital and Traditional works both accepted.
All genre and rating acceptable


Send your submission to mashinappo(at)

LIST OF PARTICIPATES (to be updated)

★ Itakoaya ( - organizer/ artist
★ Hiyuura ( organizer/ writer

Am looking forward to seeing interest ~  SHOW YOUR LOVE!!!!!!! ;D
ANY QUESTIONS comment here or email mashinappo(at)


Jaa ne! :D

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wirid XI IPA 1: Speech Trilangual

Japanese version:

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Minna-san, ohayou gozaimasu
Sonkei suru kocho sensei
Sonkei suru sensei-tachi
Soshite aijo sareru tomodachi to kohai-tachi to senpai-tachi desu.

Kamisama (ALLAH) wo okage de kochira de atsumarareru node kokoro wo komete kansha itashimashou. Sorekara Muhammad SAW wo kamisama (ALLAH) ni itsumo megurare youni inottemashou. Nazenara Muhammad SAW no seikaku wa sekaiju ni hitobito ni taisuru nichou to narimashita.

Sekaiju no hitobito ni Ramadhan wa materareru tsuki toshite, suitei ni yoru to raishuu kata wa Ramadhan ga ato isshukan shikka nokotte imasen. Islam kyo ni totte, kore wo, taishite do yatte ka Ramadhan no katsuyaka ga umaku okurareru no wo jukuchi shina kerebanarimasen. Ramadhan wa ii tsuki de, takusan tsumi no mukui no chansu toshite desu.

Ramadhan no tsuki ni kamisama (ALLAH) ga ningen ni danjiki shiwa kereba narimasen. Sore ni shinko wo, motsu kito ni yoru no inori wo shi. Yatteita koto ga tada kamisama (ALLAH) no tame dake mezasu to meijiraremashita.

Konna hitotachi ga atta tsukui ya yurusaremasu. Sore de, minna-san, takusan tsumi no mukui ga toreru youni shimashou.
Danjiki to ieba.
Hara ya, nodo dake de naku, tsumi no mukui ga nakusanaiyo hana shi kotoba mo kyotsu kena kereba narimasen. Sore de, warui koto ga, okora naiyo, hanashi kata karashite. Mochi ron, nichi jo no seikaku ni chuishitte kudasai.

Jitsua Ramadhan ga ningen no sokushin ritsu wo tameshi. Umaku, okureta yo, soyuhito ga Ramadhan no tameshi ni taishitte go kabu to iemasu.

Kore de, watashi speechi ga, oarimasu.
Goseicho domo arigato gozaimasu.
Billahi taufik wal'hidayat
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

English version:

Assalamualaikum Wr. WB.
That we respect, Madam Principal
That we respect, Mother and Teacher
And friends, brothers and sisters that we care about

Let us together expresses our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given grace and gift to us all, so that we can present in a place which we love. Shalawat and greetings exclaimed hopefully fixed to the lord of the Prophet Muhammad as a messenger because he is treasures in this life and we must take good examples .

Attendees ...
The presence of the holy month of Ramadan is awaited by Muslims across the world. And according to calculations from today, the holy month of Ramadan a week away. For Muslims must prepare themselves to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT. Month of Ramadan as a great opportunity to do various good deeds, because God will give you a double reward.

Ladies and gentlemen ...
In Ramadan, God requires us all to fast. And the obligation of fasting Ramadan is only addressed to those who believe. In addition, Allah also prescribed worship of believers in the morning instead. So on a good chance that we should use, so that we can achieve a fortune. Fasting in Ramadan and praying at night should be constituted with faith and hope solely pleasure of Allah alone,
as a newborn baby from his mother's stomach..

So I have to with great expectation that we welcome the holy month of Ramadan we really prepared supplies a steady faith and piety, so as we enter the month of Ramadhan we can be more concentration to do worship, whether obligatory or sunnah.

Simply get here we'll see you through kultum pulpit. We hope that we would like to bring benefits earlier.
Billahi taufik wal'hidayat.
Assalamualaikum Wr. WB.

Indonesian version:

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Yang kami hormati, Ibu Kepala Sekolah
Yang Kami hormati, Ibu dan Bapak Guru
Serta teman-teman, adik-adik, dan kakak-kakak yang kami sayangi

Marilah kita bersama-sama menghaturkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunianya kepada kita semua, sehingga kita dapat hadir di tempat yang kita cintai ini. Shalawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap terlimpah kepada junjungan Nabi besar Muhammad SAW karena beliaulah sebagai utusan khasanah dalam hidup ini dan patutlah kita ambil suri tauladannya.

Hadirin yang berbahagia...
Kehadiran bulan suci Ramadhan sangatlah dinanti oleh umat Islam di penjuru dunia. Dan menurut perhitungan mulai hari ini, maka bulan suci Ramadhan tinggal seminggu lagi. Bagi umat Islam haruslah mempersiapkan diri untuk meningkatkan iman dan takwa kepada Allah SWT. Bulan Ramadhan sebagai peluang besar untuk melakukan berbagai amal kebajikan, karena Allah akan memberikan pahala yang berlipat ganda.

Hadirin sekalian...
Dalam bulan Ramadhan Allah mewajibkan kita semua untuk berpuasa. Dan kewajiban puasa Ramadhan ini hanyalah ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang beriman. Di samping itu juga Allah mensyariatkan ibadah kepada orang-orang beriman di malah harinya. Maka pada kesempatan yang baik itu haruslah kita gunakan, agar kita bisa meraih keberuntungan. Puasa di bulan Ramadhan dan beribadah di malam harinya hendaknya didasari dengan iman dan semata-mata mengharap ridha Allah semata, sebagaimana seorang bayi yang baru lahi dari perut ibunya.

Demikianlah saya sampaikan dengan penuh harapan agar kita dalam menyongsong bulan suci Ramadhan benar-benar kita persiapkan bekal iman dan takwa yang mantap, agar pada saat memasuki bulan Ramadhan kita bisa lebih konsentrasi melakukan ibadah, baik yang wajib maupun yang sunnah.

Cukup sampai di sini jumpa kita melalui mimbar kultum. Semoga membawa manfaat yang kami sampaikan tadi.
Billahi taufik wal'hidayat.
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. 

Speech-nya ga nyambung? Emang...
Translasinya ga jelas? Emang...
Namanya juga guru dan murid dari sekolah yang tidak terlalu kompeten :p
(NB: English speech-nya pake Google Translate jadi ngawur gitu :p )