
Translating Commission

Monday, September 24, 2012

YoY canon, ver. 2

(Karena versi pertama sumpeh ga gampang dibaca).

Updated as of YoY #15


Milo: Kardia's cousin. Camus' boyfriend. Aiolia's childhood friend. A member of Duel Club.

Aiolia: Aiolos' brother. Milo's childhood friend. A member of Duel Club.

Aiolos: Aiolia's brother. Saga's boyfriend. A member of Duel Club and Archery Club. The Chaser of Gryffindor's Quidditch Team.

Kardia: Milo's cousin. Degel's boyfriend. A friend of Saga. A member of Duel Club. The Beater of Gryffindor's Quidditch Team.

Regulus: A member of Duel Club.

Defteros: The Keeper of Gryffindor's Quidditch Team. Gryffindor's Prefect.

Sisyphus: The Captain and Chaser of Gryffindor's Quidditch Team.

Isaac: The Seeker of Gryffindor's Quidditch Team.


Albafica: Minos' boyfriend. Hufflepuff's Prefect.


Angelo: (insert information here)

Saga: Kanon's older twin. Aiolos' boyfriend. A friend of Kardia.

Rhadamanthys: Minos's younger brother. One of the Slytherin Trio. Has a crush on Kardia. The Beater of Slytherin's Quidditch Team.

Minos: Rhadamanthys's older brother. Albafica's boyfriend. One of the Slytherin Trio. Slytherin's Prefect. Good at Imperius Spell. The Keeper of Slytherin's Quidditch Team.

Aiacos: One of the Slytherin Trio.


Camus: Younger brother of Degel. Milo's boyfriend.

Aphrodite: A Quidditch commentator for Hogwarts Quidditch Cup.

Kanon: Saga's younger twin. Has a crush on Milo. Assistant for Degel.

Degel: Older brother of Camus. Kardia's boyfriend. Ravenclaw's Prefect.

Manigoldo: A member of Duel Club.


Zeus: the Headmaster.

Hades: teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Slytherin's Head of House.

Hypnos: teaching Prophecy.

Ares: teaching Charms.

Apollo: the school's nurse.

Hermes: teaching Care of Magical Creatures.

Thanatos: teaching Transfiguration.

Poseidon: teaching Potions.

Artemis: (insert information here)


Asmita: a member of Duel Club.

Aspros: (insert information here)

El Cid: a member of Duel Club.

Shura: A member of Duel Club.

Unity: a fourth year, member of Duel Club.


Do I miss something?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

YoY canon

Known facts:

Milo, Aiolia, Camus, and Angelo are First Year. The first two are Gryffindors, then Ravenclaw, then Slytherin.

Saga and Aiolos are Third Year. They are Slytherin and Gryffindor, respectively.

Kardia and Degel are Fifth Year. They are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectively.

Unity is a Fourth Year from unknown House.

Aiacos, Minos, and Rhadamanthys are from Slytherin, unknown grade.

Albafica is a Hufflepuff, unknown grade.

Hades is the D.A.D.A. teacher.

Known couples are Camus and Milo, Aiolos and Saga, Albafica and Minos, and Degel and Kardia, albeit the last one just recently break up.


Aiolia is a good information gatherer.


Looking at that list I just realized that Albafica is the only known Hufflepuff. Herp derp.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

So. Tadi ada pelajaran Agama, membahas hubungan Agama dan manusia. Mahasiswa diberi rangkuman oleh kelompok penyaji dan ketika diriku membacanya... agak terganggu. Pasalnya mereka bilang (kurang lebih) seperti ini:

"Tidak memiliki keyakinan agama dapat menimbulkan keresahan dalam masyarakat"

Gue ngebaca gitu kayak... sedih. Masalahnya ada beberapa teman di dunia maya gue yang nggak punya keyakinan agama, either mereka memang nggak memegang satu agama (Kristen, Islam, whatever) atau mereka itu memegang banyak agama sekaligus. Jadi baca bagian itu merasa kayak mereka di... fitnah? Hina? Apa gitu kek.

Gue ngediskusiin dikit tentang itu sama teman yang duduk di sebelah gue dan kita sepakat kalau pendapat itu salah. Kata temanku, agama itu cuma sebagai... simbol. Pedoman. Menjaga sesuatu agar tetap 'lurus'. Seseorang nggak punya keyakinan yang telak satu belum tentu membuat masyarakat resah.

Yang membuat masyarakat resah itu kalau seseorang nggak punya moral.

For example lah. Temanku yang aku bilang itu nggak megang satu agama pasti. Tapi dia tau mana yang baik dan yang benar, mengakui kalau Tuhan atau kekuatan yang lebih tinggi dari manusia itu ada meskipun nggak menyembah / beribadah, dan nggak mencoba menyebarkan pahamnya itu ke orang lain.

Dia bermoral.

Oke, mungkin ini cuma masalah penulisan kata-kata aja. Mungkin yang mereka maksud itu orang-orang yang agamanya di KTP aja, nggak dipraktekan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Tapi tetep aja yah... gitu.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

This feels like nano nano

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Oke, setelah sekian lama ngebahas hal-hal ga guna yang bikin kalian nguap tiap kali liat dashboard, kali ini saya mo ngedumel (padahal biasanya juga pasti ada bagian buat ngedumelnya, ya? Sabodo ih).

Jadi, kemarin-kemarin saya baru menuntaskan yang namanya OSPEK (meski cuma tingkat universitas dan tingkat fakultas... masih ada tingkat jurusan! *teriak ala film horor*). Yeaaah saya akhirnya jadi mahasiswa baru sebuah universitas di kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Kesannya?

Campur aduk.

Tiga hari dikumpulin di kompleks kampus buat, most of the time, ngedengerin wejangan baik dari pengajar maupun senior. Sebagai seorang makhluk ansos, hal ini menyiksa sangat menyiksa batin dan tubuh. Gimana nggak, wong mesti berinteraksi dengan orang-orang yang mayoritas ga gue kenal samsek. Udah gitu udaranya panas karena mesti ruangannya penuh sesak sama orang-orang itu + pake jas almamater + kulit gue badak abis makanya pendingin ruangan ga terasa samsek...

Nggak cuma ngumpul-ngumpul itu yang nyiksa. Tapi juga tugas yang dikasih ga nanggung-nanggung. Nuntut kita buat kompak satu kelompok, bawa barang-barang yang sama, bikin yel-yel, tugas hukuman de es beh. Bahkan terakhir kemarin disuruh bikin semacam karya ilmiah buat tingkat jurusan... dan gw dapet kelompok sama angkel yang gw ga terlalu deket gara-gara yang lainnya udah saling gaet... mateng ah.

Tapi, yah... bukannya ga merasa seneng samsek sih. Beberapa kali sempet merasakan fleeting happiness *halah* Kayak misalnya pas di pembukaan ospek fakultas, dekan ngasih ucapan penyambutan gitu. DEKAN GUE GAUL MAMEN HAHAHA Beliau nge-blow kiss kita-kita beberapa kali, terus nggak terlalu jaim atau serius. Pokoknya orangnya keliatan asyik.

(Tapi KaProDi gue nyeremin kayaknya bos... diceritain sama senior-senior kesannya... ya gitu deh... ga bisa dijelasin dengan kata-kata... kayaknya mesti ngerasain langsung baru ngerti *mewek*)

Terus... ada juga wejangan dari dosen-dosen yang asyik-asyik. Ada juga 'temu sapa' sama senior-senior yang mau berangkat kuliah ke Jepang. Terus juga ada pengenalan UKM (semacam ekskul) dan himaprodi (OSIS-nya jurusan... I think?) yang ada di fakultas yang bikin galau banget mau masuk yang mana. Nggak cuma itu, 'sih, yang bikin galau. Semuanya bikin galau, in one way or another...

Dan... sebenernya udah ngetweet ini di Twitter, tapi biar kubilang sekali lagi: I miss high school already. Beneran. Seenggaknya di SMA-ku yang dulu-dulu rasanya ga terlalu banyak aturan begini. Well, levelnya emang udah beda, 'sih, tapi tetep kangen. Mungkin karena belum terbiasa sama perkuliahan kali, ya?

Oke, segitu aja dulu. Move on, sana, move on. Scroll down and don't stop to look at this post.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Another note

Aldy, Anggie, Lia, Sanjay, Mimil, Olos, Kulkas, Dite.

Asep, Dedep, Maman, Reggie, Kardidi, Phussy, Dede.

Popo, Jeje.

... ada yang mau nambahin?

ETA: Juju.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just a note

Minos Creta, a judge infamous for starting his career at a very young age and yet never fail to act accordingly anywhere, anytime. Despite being the youngest child in his family, upon his parents' death he was appointed to be the new family head.

Back in high school, he dated the school's primadonna, Albafica, for a short time. They broke up upon Albafica's request and he was told to forget about him. But he fell too deeply in love with the beauty that he decided to keep his hopes up.

Rhadamanthys Creta, second oldest among the Creta brothers. Like Minos, he works as a Judge though isn't quite well-known. He is aware that Minos is better than him in this aspect and he has more leader materials, thus the reason he willingly gives the position of the family head to that younger brother of his.

Currently engaged to the daughter of the Noir family, Pandora. It was just for business relationships, at first, but they eventually grew to love each other.

Sarpedon Creta, prefers to be called by his alias in work—Undertaker, is the eldest of the three brothers. He looked like his youngest brother a lot, and his youthful appearance often caused people to think that he was Minos' twin.

He was, however, disowned before Minos was born because he told his parents that he wanted to be an autopsy officer, going against their wish for him to follow his father's footsteps as a judge, when he was old and mature enough to make decisions on his own.

Albafica Gesso, once known as the most beautiful man in the country during his school years, but then disappeared without trace after a few months enrolling into an university. Only a few know that in truth he is undergoing chemotherapies to heal his cancer disease.

Yes, that was the reason he broke up with Minos. He was afraid that it would pain Minos to see him in such pitiful state, and there was chance that he would die from the illness. He said he would forget Minos, but even after years passed by, he couldn't do that.

Aphrodite Gesso, Albafica's younger brother and a famous model for girl's magazine (his agency is the one who decided to hide his gender—not that anyone could easily find out that she's actually a he). He was the one who paid for Albafica's therapies, though eventually he decided to ask Minos' help in secret.


.......... this is what happened when you're too immersed into two fandoms and, coincidentally, there are two characters that looked so much alike. And when you're stressed by assignments too.

Most likely I won't develop this settings into a fic because NO TIME. I did make a very short oneshot of it, though. Anyone would be interested in making a fic of it for me? *wriggle eyebrows*

Sunday, August 19, 2012



... iya, udah gini doang ahahaha. Lebih baik daripada ke FB atau Twitter terus mentionin kalian satu-satu, yaudah bikin ini aja.

Selamat hari raya dan selamat berlibur~

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Boredom equals a meme

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Let's just. Forget about I posted earlier. Here's a meme yang saya curi dari tempatnya Salary-san. Maklum bosen padahal tugas ospek belum kelar.


Six ships you’re into right now.
1) Byakuran/Mukuro - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
2) Hades/Persephone - any Greek myth related stories that involve them, but particularly MYth
3) Reborn/Luce - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
4) Dohko/Shion - Saint Seiya
5) Lorelei/Ayatane - Tales of the Abyss & Ar tonelico crossover
6) Hakurei/Sage - Saint Seiya: the Lost Canvas (tumblr, I blame you)
Three ships you liked, but don’t anymore.
7) Mukuro/Hibari - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
8) Minato/Yukari - Persona 3
9) Riou/Nanami - Suikoden 2
Three ships you never liked.
10) Hibari/I-Pin - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
11) Zeus/Hera - MYth
12) Shion/Yuzuriha - Saint Seiya: the Lost Canvas
Two ships you’re curious about, but don’t actually ship.
13) Timoteo/Luce - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
14) Mukuro/Kyoko - Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!


Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Pedo!Hibari is just no-no to me. I mean, sure he won't be called a pedo once I-Pin reaches 15 or 16 but their age difference is way too big (and I'm still convinced that Hibari is way older than what people assumed him to be / 16 years old).

Who is someone you know that ships #14?
... IDR. Someone on Livejournal. There's even a community to ship those two, I think?

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Sebenarnya Luce sudah mengenal Reborn sejak lama karena ia kadang mengunjungi Vongola Base untuk berbisnis dengan Timoteo. Tapi mereka baru bicara langsung saat rapat akbar pertama Arcobaleno. Sejak saat itu, mereka jadi sering bertemu dan mengobrol--dari yang awalnya hanya untuk urusan mafia hingga akhirnya seperti kencan biasa. At one point, they do you-know-what, which impregnates Luce, tapi dia nggak ngomong apa-apa ke Reborn. Luce kemudian bilang kalau dia akan dinikahkan dengan anak klan mafia lain, jadi ketika dia ketahuan hamil nggak ketahuan kalau sebenarnya itu anaknya Reborn. Setelah melahirkan Aria dan menerima kutukan Arcobaleno, Luce menghilang. Banyak yang bilang kalau dia meninggal, tapi sebenarnya dia bersembunyi di tempatnya Verde dan mengawasi kejadian-kejadian yang berlangsung sesuai 'vision'nya. Pada akhirnya mereka ketemu lagi setelah kutukan Arcobaleno hilang, Arcobaleno generasi sekarang kembali ke wujud asli dan mati bersama (karena mereka udah terlampau tua--seumuran Timoteo dan Guardian-nya).


Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?
... this ship of mine just have one favorable scene: pertarungan mereka di kamar (kantor?) Byakuran.

How long have you been following couple #6?
Just recently? lol Hakurei-sama mendadak join tumblr dan sifat fudanshi-nya ketauan. Pas diriku ngegodain, eh dia ngaku kalau dia pernah ngeship Sage sama dirinya sendiri LOL

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
When I got my hands on P3FES, I finally understand why my friends kept saying that Yukari is sucha bitch and they preferred Minato with Aegis. Itu, dan ditambah jumlah fic MinaAi yang merajalela waktu itu...

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12:

Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4?
#2 (just because I sometimes ship Dohko with Kagaho and Shion with Albafica /rolls)

What interests you about #14?
... because it sounds interesting? I mean, kalau dipikir-pikir mungkin Kyoko satu-satunya cewek yang nggak bisa dibenci sama Mukuro selain Chrome, jadi kalau Kyoko mau pedekate sama Mukuro setelah Tsuna berubah haluan menjadi seorang gay kayaknya bisa banget Mukuro takluk.

Why did you stop liking #7?
I... just don't like it? I started thinking that Hibari only belong to Dino and Mukuro is Byakuran's... I guess.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?
Nope. Suikoden doesn't put much focus on romance anyway.

What’s a song that reminds you of #5?
Kokorokatari by DAHNA and Mitose Noriko.

If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Dohko/Shion and Hakurei/Sage. More because saya pengen liat Shion feels awkward mandangin gurunya dan saudara si guru mesra-mesraan di depannya. /dilempar palu

Have #2 kissed yet?
/tunjuk bagian akhir My Season :|
... yah kalau di seri lainnya ga tau sih.

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn’t ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Mati bareng-bareng itu diitung happy ending nggak?

What would make you start shipping #13?
... IDK. Maybe, show me young Timoteo together with Luce? -w-

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6?
Obviously #6, karena #2 emang 'canon'-nya udah jadian...

You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
I-Pin sadar kalau Lambo lebih mendingan daripada Hibari. Hibari jadi gay atau nggak malah dicomblangin I-Pin dan Mukuro supaya jadian sama Chrome.

Which of these ships do you love the most?
Reborn/Luce ♥

Monday, August 13, 2012


... nama yang absurd.

Tapi ini nama official fanmade dari boyband Sanctuary, yang terdiri dari Capricorn Shura, Virgo Shaka, Gemini Saga dan Kanon, Aquarius Camus, dan Cancer Deathmask. Bahkan kadang-kadang Cygnus Hyoga ikut masuk ke dalam jajaran personel CV-GAC, tapi dia bukan anggota official. Cuman dancer dadakan yang sekali waktu diseret Camus ikutan untuk menggantikan personel yang sakit.

Yeah, saya masih ngotot mereka dipaksa Saori untuk ikut kontes boyband dan menang gara-gara tarian "Brand New Blue Jeans" mereka yang super kompak dan laugh-inducing itu.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saint Seiya MMD part 1

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Oh well, actually I already posted about this video in my tumblr blog, but let's just post it here again for the sake of SPREADING SS MMD LOVE. At least this blog is public so it can be viewed by many -w-

Right. So, onto the first video!

[LOVE & JOY] - Yuki Kimura
featuring: Camus and Hyoga

Our most talented dancers among the Saints rank. Yes they are talented. If you don't understand, GO SEE THEM LAUNCHING THEIR TECHNIQUES. They're like ballerinas. (And at some point, I did find a video where Camus did some kind of warming up moves while wearing leotard, just like some danseurs out there LOL!)

Okay, so... with Camus and Hyoga walking together to the dance stage. The video maker makes it as if they're talking about something which makes Hyoga happy. Then they start dancing so HAPPILY. Yes, you read it right. Happily. They are dancing while SMILING. That freezer, Camus, is SMILING. And as if that's not enough to make your heart goes doki doki, you'll receive HAATO ATAAACK with winks. If I'm such an extreme person, I know I would've died.

Overall, this video receives high rating from me because 1) the model is good, 2) the dance move matches well with the music and 3) VERY EPIC. However, I see some fails here and there. Like, in the middle of it, one of Camus' sidebangs (or sideburns... or whatever it's called) suddenly got stuck around his neck. But it makes the video seems natural because, you know, if you jump and move around a lot, sooner or later your hair will be stuck to your neck or cheek or whatever. The more epic fail is when the same part of his hair float mysteriously like whoa. I didn't notice the first time I watched the vid, but while making this (crappy) review I saw that and laughed like mad.

So... conclusion? If you need some nice laugh, go watch this vid. If you don't find their dance funny (which is unlikely... I mean, THOSE HIPS) at least you'll be comforted with their SMILE and HAATO ATAAAACK.


"Are you nervous, Hyoga?"
"A bit, but I'll be fine, Master."
My body is ready.
Hands in the air, yo.
Jump with the elegance of a swan!
Close up version of Camus' HAATO ATTACK
The mysteriously floating hair that I mentioned earlier.
Below is stuck-around-the-neck hair.
See? He's smiling.
And winking.
"Hello my fans!"
This is doki doki overload...
"Master, let me help you putting it on."
"Thank you. And good job for back there."
And another wink. He's thanking us. While winking.
It's going to snow in Indonesia tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Procrastinating is bad

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Well, as many of you would've known already, procrastination is bad. Really bad. It usually happens when you're on hiatus, and it can makes your writer's block worsen.

But that's not what I'm going to discuss about. More like, I'm trying to rant about mangaka and their tendency to make their characters background to be a confusing one. Our main subject today is Virgo Shaka, a character from ye olde anime Saint Seiya.

For this same reason Shaka refuses to go clubbing with the rest of the Gold Saints.

Virgo Shaka is a Gold Saint, known to be a prodigy since early age because he received the status when he was 7 years old. Some also called him "Man Closest to God", acknowledging his supreme strength. It was assumed that he was the reincarnation of Gautama Buddha due to that power and his birthplace (India). He was introduced to be a faithful Buddhist (but strangely works for a Greek Goddess...) and loves to preach people with his immense knowledge about the religion's teachings. Many assumed that he's a good friend of Mu, due to their image as "good, untainted with negativity of modern world" boys.

There, your quick summary about Shaka. Now let me tell you the main question:

"What school/tradition does Shaka follows?"

Well, many fans might not care so much about it, but I do. Mainly because I'm trying to make Shaka a proper Buddhist, much more than depicted in the series, and in order to do that I need to know what school he's in.

As you would've known (or probably you don't), Buddhist has many branches or schools/traditions. To name a few, there are Mahayana, Vajrayana, Theravada, Pali, Hinayana, Tibetan, and Chinese. Then you'll probably wonder if I'm going to read articles on each schools from Wikipedia, one by one, then later decide which school to put him in. But, nay, I won't. It was too much work. There are easier ways to decide.

First, let's find something that'll make people, who never watched Saint Seiya or know who Shaka is, think that he is a faithful Buddhist. There are: 1) his meditating pose, and 2) his rosary beads. His meditating pose can't be used to identify what school he's in because it's a very typical pose of a Buddhist monk / priest / whatever. That leaves the rosary beads.

Now, if you search for rosary beads in Google Search, you'll eventually stumble upon an article about Buddhist prayer beads. Yes, that's what it's supposed to be called. Now, opening that article, your eyes will or will not immediately caught sight of '108 beads' written in said article. Remember, Shaka's rosary beads also have 108 beads.

Moving on. You'll read that there are two schools who used 108 beads when chanting mantra. One is Tibetan Buddhism and the other is Theravada Buddhism. How to decide which one is Shaka's school, then? Simple. The article said that the 108 beads, seik badi (or badi for short) is used in Theravada Buddhism in Burma. We've learned that Shaka hails from India, so he can't possible learn about seik badi. Then the result is obvious: he follows Tibetan Buddhism.

You might be thinking that Tibetan Buddhism is a school only for those Buddhist followers in Tibet. But you're wrong. People from a few regions close to Himalayas, such as Nepal, Buthan, and India also followed Tibetan teachings.

This revelation allows more headcanons to be made. Like, the reason Mu is on good terms with Shaka maybe because they, when intending to go back to their homelands, often travel together. Tibet is, after all, located north-east of Himalayas, and Himalayas itself is bordering with northern India. (Also, the reason Shion and Dohko are close? Not only because they're about the same age, become apprentice at around the same time, and lived through 18th century Holy War, but it can be assumed that they visit each other's hometown often. China and Tibet are practically next to each other, after all.)

You'll say, why did he train close to the Ganges river, which is technically located at the west part of India, if he came from norther India? The answer is headcanon: perhaps his power is recognized at young age, and thus he was sent to that place to polish his skill. Who knows? I certainly don't.


Conclusion? It takes thorough researches a lot of your procrastinating time to explain the background of a character. Especially if the mangaka doesn't put a lot of effort to do so themselves.

I mean... LOOK AT HOW MANY PARAGRAPHS I WROTE UP THERE JUST TO REACH A PLAUSIBLE CONCLUSION THAT HE FOLLOWS TIBETAN BUDDHISM. And it took some hours to gather the info and not to mention connecting them to each other so normal logic can accept it.

Seriously, sometimes it irritates me if the background of a character isn't explained clearly and clash with reality. Sure, fictional stuffs doesn't have to match real life facts because that's why they're called fictional. But, hey. Don't they think that it'll be far more interesting if there are cultural reasons or something that influences their characters to behave like so and so? Instead they tend to make their characters immerses with the cultures from their homelands.


I told you this is a rant. And if you do read all my previous rants, you would've know that my rants tend not to make any sense.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

So, after a loooooooooong procrastination, I finally fulfilled Rose's request on making a talk topic between Hibari and Mukuro. And now that I get my hand on Altor's expression renders, I can make moving pictures a.k.a. turn those talk topics into visual novel style!


Anyway, try checking them out and, if you want, comment on it!


Friday, June 15, 2012

Buna no Mori de

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

I downloaded chapter 17 of No. 6 manga today. There was a part where Nezumi sing a song! I tried to google it because I wanted to hear him singing it, and well... I'm not dissatisfied. Nezumi's seiyuu indeed have pretty voice >///w///<

Anyway! Because it seems there are no online lyric available, let me put it here. The kanji is from here, the romaji is from Google Translate's phonetic reading and my hearing, and the translation is taken from the manga, although slightly altered to my taste.

Please credit the video uploader and September Scanlations if you're using, thank you!

Buna no Mori de
In the Beech Forest

- [Nezumi] [ネズミ] | [Hosoya Yoshimasa] [細谷 佳正]

Tooku no yama no itadaki de yuki ga toke
遠くの山の頂で 雪が溶け
At the summit of a distant mountain, the snow thaws
Nagare tonari
Into a flow
Buna no mori de midori ni somaru
ブナの森で 緑に染まる
The beech forest is dyed green

Sato wa ima hana ni umore
郷は今 花に埋もれ
The countryside is now buried in flowers
Hanayori utsukushii otome ga
A girl more beautiful than blossoms
Buna no mori de ai wo chikau
ブナの森で 愛を誓う
Pledges her love within the beech forest

Wakamono yo
Young man
Midori no mizu ni ashi wo nurashi
Dip your feet in the green waters
Shika no you ni dake tte oi de
鹿のように 猛っておいで
Then sprint fleetly like a deer
Hana ga chiru mae ni
Before the flowers drop away
Otome no kami ni kuchidzuke wo shite
乙女の髪に 口付けを して
To lay a kiss on the maiden's hair

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Entah kenapa saya berhasrat ngejelasin status AU Byakuran dkk di Tredici lol Cekidot!


► Kikyou

Putera dari keluarga kaya yang berprofesi sebagai ahli ikebana. Meskipun sering bergaya seperti seorang rocker, Kikyou sebenarnya anak yang patuh pada aturan keluarga dan memiliki talenta dalam ikebana. Dalam lingkaran pertemanan, bisa dikatakan dia adalah figur seorang ibu bagi teman-temannya yang rata-rata memang kekanak-kanakan. Ia tidak keberatan jika mereka bergantung padanya dan selalu tabah menghadapi keluhan maupun rengekan dari kawan-kawannya.

► Zakuro

Orang tuanya mengelola sebuah restauran dan sejak kecil ia sudah menghapal berbagai macam jenis bumbu dan masakan, sehingga banyak tak jarang ia memasak untuk kawan-kawannya. Biasanya ia menjadi partner bertengkar Bluebell. Anehnya, meskipun ia sama-sama kekanakan seperti kawan-kawannya yang lain, Byakuran mengatakan bahwa ia seperti seorang ayah.

► Bluebell

Yang termuda di kelompok pertemanan mereka. Bluebell adalah perenang handal. Banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai jelmaan putri duyung karena talentanya tersebut. Ia dulu memiliki seorang kakak, namun sang kakak meninggal karena sebuah kecelakaan. Setelahnya, saat ia bertemu dan ditolong Byakuran, ia mulai menganggap Byakuran sebagai pengganti sang kakak.

► Daisy

Keluarganya memiliki butik yang khusus menjual busana bertema gothic, dan busana-busana tersebut dirancang sendiri oleh orang tuanya. Daisy sendiri juga ikut membuat desain namun desainnya dinilai belum pantas untuk dipajang. Ia memiliki fashion taste yang bagus, dan sering menjadi stylist kawan-kawannya saat mereka hendak pergi ke pesta bersama-sama.


Sepupu Byakuran. Keduanya sudah akrab dari kecil dan sering disangka kembar beda sel telur karena wajah mereka yang luar biasa mirip. Karena sering bersama itulah Ghost menjadi salah satu dari segelintir orang yang tahu cara membuat Byakuran merasa lebih baik, sampai-sampai sering diminta oleh orang tua Byakuran untuk datang kalau anak mereka tersebut ngambek tanpa sebab yang jelas.

Credited to pastries @ dreamwidth

Thursday, May 17, 2012

General, fun knowledge

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Welp, been awhile since I wrote something for this blog! And I'll bore you with a fact that I'm sure most people already know but I find it funny so I'll share it anyway.

It's about the relationship between cloud and fog.

I found it in by cram school's text book:

Various types of fog are essentially clouds that form at the earth's surface, produced by temperature differences and moisture in the air. As warm, moisture-laden air cools, it's relative humidity (the amount of moisture that air can contain, which depends on the temperature) increases. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. So if their is cooled sufficiently it will reach saturation, or the dew point, at which point the moisture begins to condense out of the air and form water droplets, creating fog.

What's so funny about the text, you ask?

Well, by now you might've learned that Amano Akira defies Physics Law by creating impossible stuffs in KHR. But, hey! She includes a little bit physics that actually make sense here!

What makes sense? I'm referring to how Hibari, when he grows older, can use Mist flames as well. He used it to camouflage the entrance to his underground hideout, remember? So, I'm saying that it makes sense that Hibari (and maybe other Cloud flame users too) can use Mist flames.

As for how he figured it out how to do that, who knows? Some might believe that Chrome or Mukuro taught him, but there are the possibilities that he learned it by himself (my headcanon is that he's actually pretty smart, academically) or Gokudera pointed it out (that guy can use Cloud flames too! Maybe Hibari hears him complaining about how he can use Cloud flames but can't use Mist flames and gets the idea? LOL).

Something else to note is that the passage says that 'fog are clouds that form at the earth's surface'. Out of all 7 Flames of Sky, the element closest to earth is the Mist. It suits the illusionists, no? They're so focused on materialistic world, and they're the most... impure! It's strange how most illusionists are so obsessed or involved strongly with the Sky element, though.

I'll stop rambling now! By the time you read this entry, I hope you'll notice that I've changed the blog's layout. See you~

Friday, April 06, 2012

About incest

You will realize that everything is technically incest and that deities such as I do not give a fuck

So even if I wanted to avoid that kind of relationship with basically anyone, it would be impossible

Why is incest even a thing with you dying ones

from: askthanatos @ tumblr

Well, my good sir, this is technically correct.

Even though in reality we're not born from Moira, everything is technically incest as well. Depending on which theory of the first human that you believed in, of course.

For example, me as a Moslem believes that the first human is Adam. He got a wife named Eve. Then they have a lot of children. Those children marry each other to continue their lineage. Well, isn't that incest? And if the children of those children were to marry each other or their cousins, wouldn't that still count as incest?

But it seems the term incest no longer follows that logic, so I'll stop here.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!


I made a new blog. It's called 'Ar tonereborn: Melody of Mist'. Yep, as you can guess from the title, it is a blog about the fiction. It mainly contains the talk topic that occurs between the characters featured in the fanfiction, though.

Feel free to make a request of what kind of talk topics that you wanted to see! Remember that I still haven't completed making the face set for all of them, so yeah...

Anyway, that's all for now. Jya~

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I need to get this thing out of my mind

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

So, after finishing up to the latest chapter of Renai Idenshi XX, I got this urge to create a RP forum of a similar setting /)_-)

Well, basically, the setting that I had in mind is like its 'spin-off', Renai Idenshi XY, where "the last woman of the society died" and "ever since disease spreads out, no more females can be born". Stuffs like that. Oh, and no, it won't be a city or anything. Rather, the RP is around the elite school. Yeah, just like the canon.

And like RIXY, the society is divided into two part: the Seme and the Uke. The Seme is controlling the government and military, while the Uke stays at home and raises the children.

How to get the children? Well, the government created this special potion that allows the Uke to get temporary womanly organs, so that they can bear children. This special potion is injected only when a Seme and a Uke married each other, although several underages might be able to get their hands to those things (like, the children of those who are involved in the potion productions).

Back to the system.

So it'll revolve around the school. Members will get to choose whether they want their character to be a Seme or an Uke. NO SEKE. Then the characters will study, socialize with each other. Oh, and of course Semes and Ukes aren't put in the same class. They have separated school buildings. Like, maybe the Semes are in the West Buildings while the Ukes are in the East Buildings. They will live in dorms. They're not allowed to meet each other except during special events, called 'Ball Duel', which is held once a month. And for special students, they can meet students from the other side once a week, during General Meeting.

How to choose these special students? Well, I'm still considering whether I should follow the real system, which is: Seme side's special students are students who got the top 5 positions in each exams, while Uke side's special students are students who got the top 5 positions in a popularity contest; or with an original system, such as the amount of IC posts or maybe activeness.

Now, of course a school had rules. And these rules, when violated, can makes you earn simple punishments or immediately expelled from the school. Some of the rules are: prohibition from fighting against each other (fellow Semes or fellow Ukes), school's properties breaking, love between same sex (as in, Seme and Seme, or Uke and Uke), etc. A Seme also not allowed to harm an Uke, because Seme is supposed to protect an Uke.

The dorms and classrooms are divided into several classes. There are one for the commoner / low-rates, one for mid-rates, and lastly, one for high-classes. The school facility consists of pretty much everything that the students might need, and so does the dorms.

Oh, I should mention that I want a system where the students are required to do assignments. That is, if I'm really going to use the exam system for deciding the special students.

Another thing... this might be difficult, but I want the members to not only use a character visualization, but actually using that whole character to enroll in the school. For example, if I use Hibari Kyouya, then that character will be the real Hibari Kyouya. The personality, the name, the abilities, stuffs like that. But of course, the background can be altered. Like he's the son of a wealthy family. Though this background must not be improvised, such as giving Hibari trauma or other things.

I was thinking of that because I don't want the members to create unbelievable original characters. Putting the border of Mary Sue might be a bit harder. Plus, it gives convenience to the members, because they don't have to think too much about how to fill the character sheet. Also, so far, I see many original characters have personalities similar to their visualization. Seriously, what's so different about using that character for RP? Though, sure, this means that members mustn't make their characters OOC...

So, to conclude things:

  • The forum will have school-like system, plus things that are adapted from RIXX and its spin-off.
  • I want the members to use a canon character. Not some originals.
  • Depends on which systems I will have to decide the special students, the activeness of members might be required.
  • It is possible to make your characters get pregnant <3 *shot*
  • This will be YAOI. Lots of it.

Though... what's with final terms exam and national exams coming closer and closer, I don't have the time to make the forum! Hopefully I will get it done after those shits, though!

Anyway, that being said... ciao!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

MPreg Heredity

Note: This post include fictional characters of a well-known series, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! It contains fan theory, thus it must not be taken too seriously.

So, I was reading my friend Tori's old journal entries and found a link where her Gokudera discusses about how the genotypes of the attribute of flames get inherited, specifically about how my D18's children (Kei and Kaede) inherited their parents' flame. This is what he comes up with:

............Xs............ Y
Xc ...... ..XcXs..........XcY
Xc .........XcXs..........XcY

The original is here.

The father (Dino) is Xs Y, while the mother (Kyouya) is Xc Xc. Hence, using the punnett square, it should be something like that. The ratio supposed to be:

XcXs: female Sky (Kei)
XcY: male Cloud (Kaede)

However, this theory is slightly wrong, because Kyouya is NOT a female, although he is the one who gave birth to both children. His chromosome genotypes are supposed to be symbolized with Xc Y. And, believe it or don't, even if we are using this genotype, we can still get the desired result.

This is what I came up with:

............Xs............ Y
Xc ........XcXs..........XcY
Y  .........XsY.......... YY

With this, we can still get a female Sky (Xc Xs) and a male Cloud (Xc Y). In addition, it is possible for Dino and Kyouya to get a son with the flame of Sky (Xs Y), thus Kazumichi (one of Yami Dragoness of Dark's OC and also D18's son) existence is legal.

We shall ignore the YY one because I'm not sure whether to label that as a lethal (meaning a child born with that chromosome is impossible / die in the mother's womb) or a flameless.

The conclusion? Xs allele is dominant while Xc is recessive.

Now, doesn't it makes you thinking which ones is the most dominant or the most recessive among the seven flames of Sky?

Let's pick another example, this time to see which one is more dominant between Mist and Cloud. I shall borrow Luise Meyrink's OCs, Rokudou Ren and Renna. The father is Mukuro (Xm Y) and the mother is Kyouya (Xc Y). Using the same method, we will get something like this:

............Xm............ Y
Xc .........XcXm..........XcY
Y ..........XmY........... YY

From that, we get XcXm (female Cloud = Renna), XmY (male Mist = Renna), XcY (male Cloud), and YY (lethal / flameless). In conclusion, Xc is more dominant than Xm.

So far, I am only able to find out the most dominant is s (the allele of Sky flames) after trying Sawada Nana (Yami Dragoness of Dark's OC, a child of R27) and the most recessive is m (the allele of Mist flames) after trying Hibari Kyouko (runesque's OC, a child of 1896). There's a possibility that Storm flame is more dominant than Rain too.

But I could be wrong.

This is the end of my simple, quick research. Corrections and criticisms are appreciated.


If you want to join the discussion, feel free to join the discussion in Facebook. I'll give you the link if you do.

Monday, February 13, 2012

In A World of Money

The world is a place ruled by money. If you have all the money in the world, you have all that belongs in the world. Houses, technology, golds and jewels. You name it, you got it. Money runs the world. Even people. You can pay for maids, butlers, gardeners, and though people always deny it, emotions. Maybe you can't, so to speak, buy happiness, but you can buy things to make you happy. Maybe you can't, so to speak, buy love, but you can buy people to love you and people for you to love. It doesn't matter what people say, because there is virtually nothing in the world that cannot be bought.

Paragraf pembuka dari fanfiksi berjudul In a World of Money karya Henzie-sama.

Nggak, saya ga akan ngereview fic selfcest satu itu.

Hanya saja... paragraf itu merupakan penjelasan yang pas untuk menggambarkan dunia ini. Well, setidaknya dunia menurut sudut pandang saya.

Tumben, ya, saya ngebahas yang kayak ginian? Kalian bertanya ada angin apa? Yah... katakanlah sesuatu terjadi tadi dan saya jadi dongkol dan saya dapat ide untuk menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulisan. Di sini. Di blog yang seharusnya isinya non-RL. Tapi tetep saya masukkin ke sini karena semoga aja ada ahli hukum yang lihat terus tersadar buat ngeberantas ketidakadilan ini *cailah*

Ahem, jadi, kita mulai dari penyebab saya nulis beginian.

Jadi, di sekolah tadi saya baru menyadari bahwa uang itu berpengaruh banget. You can get whatever you want with money. Whatever di sini dalam bentuk material dan duniawi, ya. Yang akhirat udah pasti ga mungkin. Dan kesadaran ini muncul karena seorang teman curhat pada saya soal nilai temannya yang lebih tinggi padahal it is clearly shown that person is more stupid than that friend of mine.

Saya juga udah ngerasa dari dulu, 'sih. Kok bisa-bisanya itu orang jelas-jelas bego luar dalem naik kelas sampai kelas 3. Dan saya tau jawabannya: karena uang. Kalaupun bukan karena uang, pasti karena kekuasaan bapaknya yang memang orang berpengaruh di sini.

Wajar dong kalau saya berpikiran begitu kalau bukti-buktinya jelas ada. Cukup amati orang itu selama beberapa jam, dan kau bisa langsung tahu bahwa orang itu orang rusak. Ga jarang saya mencium bau rokok kalau orang itu lewat. Ga jarang dia bolos kelas. Dia ga takut terlambat setiap hari. Nothing fears him, because he knows that everyone else fears his father's authority. Yaiyalah, wong kalau kita macam-macam bisa-bisa bokapnya nyuruh orang buat ngebantai kita.

... ini makin lama arahnya makin curhat.


Intinya begitu. Uang berkuasa banget. Yang kaya bebas berbuat sesuka hati, yang miskin cuma bisa makan hati.

Mau gimana lagi? Moral bangsa juga udah rusak. Koruptor bebas berkeliaran pastinya karena mereka nyuap pihak penegak keadilan. Atau pihak penegak keadilannya yang emang ga konsisten. Atau koruptornya lahir karena pendidiknya ga bener.

Indonesia jatuh. Jatuh sedalam-dalamnya.

... dan gw makin galau. *berhenti pake bahasa formal*

Pindahkan gw ke negara lain, please. Gw udah muak.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

This is just a rant, because, seriously, people who attack other reviewer in a review box deserve something like this. Feel free to ignore it.

So, I was reading the review box of this fic and why, there are a lot of positive responses. Not that I can blame them. It's quite canon and well-written. What disgusts me is that when Aqua-sama includes the correct canon facts in his review, there's this another reviewer who seems not pleased with it.

Here's the copy of the review:

*glances at that tl;dr "review" down below hers* Oi, aquagon, while you may have awesome translation skills, your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired: This fic is plainly marked AU. Even if you missed that, I should think Ayatane and Lyner being paired together should be a good indicator that this is NOT CANON. And the canon disservices itself, really, given AT3... stripping for power? With no explanation or real reason other than for the graphics guys to show off? Really now, writers?

And now for the actual review, which I'm sure our lovely hostess cares more about. D-did they just synchronicity chain the Ar Tonelico spell? Yeah, Flipsphere? Aurica and Misha called, they just said you are now their bitch. Kind of wondering how much of the Silver Horn is going to be left after that magic drops.

Ignore the second paragraph. Look at the first paragraph. Look at how he seems (to me) disrespect Aqua-sama's kindness in correcting the fics' "holes".

Wow, I sure sounds like some kind of devout followers of Aqua-sama. It's not completely wrong. I do respect and admire him and his vast knowledge about Ar tonelico. The amount of this respect is the same as the ones that I have for Lazy, Deciare, wizzard, etcetera. Those mods and senior members of ARM forum.

And now, it's time to counter-review.

1. I should think Ayatane and Lyner being paired together should be a good indicator that this is NOT CANON

LOL being paired as in what, exactly? Please be more specific. They do get being paired in canon. Not romantically, yes, but more to partnership. But, hey, at least they are being paired together in the canon game.

But it's not an excuse. The author of the fic said that s/he will accept corrections as long as they don't contradict the major game plot. Well, the fact that Aurica is NOT Mir's daughter or descendant or whatever doesn't contradict the major game plot, does it? There's a good reason as to why she has the same Hymn Code as Mir. Aurica's route can still exist, according to that fact.

So, why the author doesn't use this canon to correct his/her mistake? Beats me. It's not like it's going to change the whole plot or something. Just deleting the part where Ayatane stated that Aurica is her sister of some sort. What harm can it done?

2. Stripping for power? With no explanation or real reason other than for the graphics guys to show off?

Please read the Settei Book or Toukousphere article. I recall that there is a reason as to why Purging can increase their power. Something about the clothes contains things that block waves, and getting rid of them can make their body receive that wave which makes them stronger... or something.

I'm not quite fond of reading the Technical Center, so yes, the statement above might be different from what's stated by... Saki? Tilia?

Please don't claim things before you know it. It'll be good if you say that you're sorry for not knowing about it after you read this.

Aqua-sama's review might have been receiving a direct response from the author, but I doubt it, because I see that the author continues with his/her own headcanon and not correcting the first chapter, where the mistakes that Aqua-sama pointed out located.

As for my own response to the fic... well, I'm just reading the first chapter, but, feel free to blame me for being so easily affected, I lost my interest after reading Aqua-sama's review. I'm not really fond of a fic that doesn't contain canon stuffs despite not stating that the fic is not canon / an AU / might be OOC, stuffs like that.

I do love the author's theory about a Male Reyvateil can exist and its relation with Platina's people lineage and the Reyvateil and the Guardian's myth, but... well, if the fic really messes around with canon facts, I flat out refuse to read the rest of the chapters.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dark guys are charmingly dark pt.1

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Jadi, setelah sadar bahwa diriku benar-benar cinta sama yang namanya tokoh antagonis... sekarang diriku sadar diriku menyukai banyak tokoh bertitel 'Thanatos'.

There are something incredibly charming about them being the God of Death. Not to be compared with Hades' unbelievably dazzling dark charms, though *dor*

Well, mari mulai showing off beberapa 'Thanatos' yang diriku sukai!


Mereka cakep-cakep, 'kan? Oh tentu sajaaaaaaa. Mataku tak pernah salah menilai *sok*

Oh, sekalian kujelaskan perbedaan beberapa Thanatos ini ya. Monggo di klik gambarnya satu-satu kalo kalian males ngescroll :)

Thanatos - MYth
Karena sejauh ini di cerita MYth tidak ada adegan perang atau bunuh-bunuhan, diriku merasa Thanatos yang satu ini paling jauh dari canon Thanatos a.k.a. Thanatos di mitos Yunani yang asli.

Si ganteng yang menutup matanya entah karena apa (alasan tidak diketahui karena sidestory tentang hubungan Thanatos dan Hades belum digambar oleh Zelda, pemilik hak cipta si Thanatos satu ini) ini bekerja sebagai semacam asisten Hades, Dewa paling bertanggung jawab se-MYth *bias*

Thanatos ini tidak luput dari sifat jahil seperti dua orang Thanatos lainnya. Dia pernah menyuruh Persephone, istri Hades, untuk mencium sang Dewa Bawah Tanah agar Hades bangun dari tidurnya. Tapi Thanatos yang ini mungkin yang terkalem dan paling bertanggung jawab setelah Thanatos-nya SanHora.

Thanatos - Persona 3
Thanatos ter-manusiawi dari keempat Thanatos di entry ini. Manusiawi karena dia menjelma menjadi manusia sampai-sampai melupakan jati dirinya (meski hanya sementara waktu, sih -_-). Dia juga yang paling jahil, dan sifatnya yang flirtatious yang membuat saya menyimpulkan bahwa dia manusiawi.

Soal perbandingan canon atau tidaknya dia dibandingkan canon!Thanatos... yah, lumayan lah. Role-nya di Persona Compendium jelas menyatakan bahwa dia Thanatos dari mitologi Yunani. Dia juga jago dalam masalah mencabut nyawa. Dan dia dekat dengan Hypnos (Minato) si tukang tidur.

Ngomong-ngomong, hubungan Thanatos yang satu ini bisa juga dibandingkan dengan Thanatos dari fandom Saint Seiya. Ryoji "Thanatos" Mochizuki dimusuhi oleh Aegis, yang memiliki Persona "Athena". Dan tentunya Thanatos dan Athena dari fandom Saint Seiya bermusuhan. Sudah takdir, mungkin, untuk Dewi Perang bermusuhan dengan Dewa Kematian?

Thanatos - Saint Seiya
Dewa yang punya aura gelap-gelap memang identik dengan warna hitam, tapi Thanatos yang satu ini dan juga MYth!Thanatos cocok dengan warna putih keperakan, ya? (Iya saya tau yang ada digambar itu rambutnya hitam, tapi Thanatos yang asli itu rambutnya putih perak kok =_=)

Kembaran dari Hypnos dan bekerja sebagai salah satu Dewa kepercayaan Hades yang setia pada sang Dewa Kegelapan, Thanatos yang satu ini yang paling dekat dengan Thanatos di mitologi Yunani. Tentunya karena fandom Saint Seiya memang mencoba jadi se-canon mungkin dengan mitologi yang aslinya. Garis bawahi kata mencoba, karena Kurumada sang pemegang hak cipta atas fandom ini tidak memberikan hint sedikitpun bahwa Persephone ada dan merupakan istri Hades. PADAHAL ITU 'KAN BIAS SAYA *nangis*

Ahem. Sejauh yang saya tahu, dia paling tidak kalem di antara keempat Thanatos. Ryoji masuk ke dalam serious!angsty!Thanatos begitu semua ingatannya kembali, tapi Thanatos lebih emosian dibanding Hypnos, kakaknya. Hubungan si kembar ini lumayan mirip dengan Ryoji-Minato, di mana Ryoji lebih ekspresif daripada Minato yang stoic total.

Thanatos - Sound Horizon
Satu-satunya yang tidak berperan sebagai asisten dari keempat Thanatos yang ada. Thanatos yang ini adalah Dewa Kematian yang menguasai Hades, wilayah di mana mereka yang mati tinggal.

Meski sifatnya sangat dekat dengan canon!Thanatos, tapi backgroundnya bukan Thanatos banget. Canon!Thanatos adalah anak Nyx si Dewi Malam, sementara SanHora!Thanatos adalah anak Moira si Dewi Kehidupan. Anak yang kontras dengan ibunya, begitulah. Dan lagi, tidak ada tanda-tanda Hypnos di dalam 6th Horizon: Moira (which makes me sad *le sobs*).

Masalah perannya di dalam fandom, dia adalah Dewa Kematian yang ingin menyelamatkan umat manusia dari penderitaan yang mereka alami selama hidup. Jadi supaya nggak menderita, mending mati saja, begitulah prinsipnya Thanatos. Sebenarnya dia anak baik (pengen nolong manusia), tapi caranya dipandang salah -_- *tepuk-tepuk Thanatos*

Nah! Segitu saja dulu.

Oh, and do notice the pt.1 in the title of the entry. Itu artinya akan ada pt.2, di mana saya akan membahas Hades-Hades yang saya sukai. Yes, Hades. Who can resist that darling, huh?

See you~!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I said...

I'm cool, cool, cool, cool as can be!

*puter lagunya Hugh Neutron yang Cool As Can Be dan ikut joget-joget ga jelas*

Jelas, saya nggak puas dengan nyombong di Twitter, jadi...



*lalu dibantai*

Fic yang mana, katamu?

Well, how about you check these out?

Best Alternate Universe - One Shot
Shara Sherenia

Category: Fanfiction
Best Alternative Universe One Shot

Yes, saya sedang mood nyombong. Please, don't ruin it. Frustasi juga sama sekolah yang baru mulai lagi tapi gurunya udah bikin stress, pake ngingetin UAS dan ujian praktek tinggal kurang dari 2 bulan lagi *cekekin satu-satu*

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

No, no HNY greetings to ye

Moshi-moshi, minna-tachi!

Yep, seperti judul entry kali ini, ga ada itu ucapan selamat tahun baru ke kalian! Nggak ada! *dor* Sudah cukup saya menspam Twitter pas pergantian tahun kemarin a.k.a. melakukan kontribusi membuat Twitter ngadat lol

Tidak, tidak ada hal-hal spesial yang terjadi selama liburan yang notabene tinggal beberapa hari lagi ini TwT (Nggak, event Twitter RP sama sekali ga bisa dibilang spesial. Soalnya saya ga ambil bagian *plak*) Oh tunggu. RP-an sama senpai di LJ sampai ujung entry-nya ga keliatan lagi bisa dihitung sebagai 'sesuatu' ga sih? *pembaca: NGGAAAAAAAKK*


Eniwei, daripada ngebahas masa lalu, mending bahas yang sekarang-sekarang aja, betul? We gotta move on, darling, jangan liat apalah itu tahun-tahun jelek di belakang yang telah kita alami dan tidak bisa kita ulangi *cailah bahasanya*

Mari bahas soal... Sound Horizon.

Revo-heika dan anak buahnya benar-benar bikin saya kecanduan. Masa' setiap kali saya nyetel Across the Horizon sama Marchen 7th Concert itu saya nyengir lebar kayak orang idiot. Habisnya gimanaaaaaaaa kalo liat MIKI, YUUKI, dan Jimang itu bawaanya gimanaaaaaaaa gitu. Inikah yang namanya ngefans sampai mati? *pembaca: BUKAAAAAN*

Dan gegara kecanduan, ga jarang juga saya bikin fanficmini seputar Sound Horizon, apalagi tentang Hiver x Marchen, pasangan abadi itu. *dilempar ke sumur*

Hm? Apa itu fanficmini? Sumpeh ga tau? Jangan ngaku author Fanfiction.Net deh kalo ga tau! *sok*

Yeah pokoknya carilah username fanficmini di Twitter kalo ga tau. Terus cobalah cari username diriku di timeline-nya. Terus jangan lupa di-favorite dan di-RT *bah* Ja, nikmatilah timeline fanficmini. Meski akhir-akhir ini bertebaran RPF yang membuat saya bereaksi: "EWW INI APA SIH JIJAY BAYANGINNYA" tapi nikmatilah sebisanya. Sebisanya.

Sekian entri kali ini, jangan lewatkan entri berikutnya yaitu pada tanggal kapan-kapan dan waktu sekian-sekian, tentunya hanya di Souzou no Sekai.

*lalu digulingin dari Gunung Bromo sampai Tanjung Perak*